Juneteenth Celebration Recap

June 2021 has been a big month for us! BridgeBuilders is celebrating our 25th anniversary, and we also held our first annual Juneteenth Celebration right here in Bonton!

Under the leadership of the Bonton Neighborhood Association and through the work of BridgeBuilders, Behind Every Door, Bonton Farms, and Dallas Housing Authority this amazing Juneteenth Celebration became an illustration of the beauty of Bonton, giving the opportunity for all our organizations to work together!

Over 150 people of all ages gathered to enjoy some barbecue and snow cones, hear live music, play games, win from over $1,300 worth of prizes, and even pet some little horses! Parkland Hospital also came to the event and provided on-site medical services. 28 people joined the Bonton Neighborhood Association and can now speak into the future of their community. Dallas Free Press came out with their mobile newsroom, and Dallas Chinese Bible Church and volunteers from Salem Institutional Baptist Church hosted a prayer tent. Clifton Reese, President of the Bonton Neighborhood Association, played a pivotal role in bringing these organizations together for our celebration of freedom.

As we remember Juneteenth, let us remember that we are part of a community together. Bonton welcomes that sense of community as a neighborhood where everyone knows each other. It's such a joy to be able to work with the community to bring people together to commemorate Juneteenth and celebrate life. If you aren't yet a part of what's going on in Bonton, would you consider joining us?